Our Expertise
Our transportation engineers plan and design the full range of modern roadways and ancillary facilities, including streets, freeways, toll systems, bridges, and waterways. Our team works with all stakeholders, from governments to contractors to residents, to design improvements that mobilize communities, meet timelines and budgets, prepare for population growth, and build toward a sustainable future.
Highway, Toll, and Roadways
Our transportation engineers provide the full range of services to help communities build the roadways and transit systems they need to thrive. Clients count on us to help bring their most ambitious goals to life. They know we are a steadfast team player who contributes innovative ideas and understands how to balance schedules, budgets, and ultimately the utility and aesthetics of the built project.
Transportation Planning
Even when transportation projects seem simple or straightforward, they’re not. That’s why our engineers are called on to assist in the conceptual planning of projects of all sizes and complexities. We work closely with architects, planners, development teams, and stakeholders to develop site and campus plans that consider all users. Typically, our analyses uncover both engineering issues as well as opportunities for better ways to approach the project.
Transportation Structures
Effective traffic management begins with well-conceived structures. Utilizing the most advanced software for geometric design, 3D modeling, cost control, project scheduling, and constructability review, our team analyzes all factors related to the planned structures. We follow rigorous design standards every step of the way, solving for variable load conditions, long-term reliability, budget and schedule constraints, aesthetics, and sustainability.