Performance Based Design

Creating resilient structures with precision design.

Our Approach

Performance Based Design (PBD) is a rational approach to the design of a new building or evaluation of an existing structure that often engenders superior results when compared to conventional code-prescribed design approaches. With PBD the structural engineer works with the owner to identify specific structural performance objectives for serviceability and strength; the structure is then designed or evaluated to ensure compliance with the agreed objectives.

Walter P Moore has used PBD extensively to deal with extreme dynamic loadings due to earthquakes. More recently, we established industry leadership by adapting the PBD approach to the evaluation of buildings under extreme wind loading. Ours is the first known application of PBD to buildings subjected to wind forces.

We have broad experience in the design of buildings for appropriate performance under dynamic loadings of all types. Our expertise in the areas of serviceability including deformations and perception to motion under dynamic loads is substantial, including the use of supplemental damping systems and passive energy dissipation.


Using progressive rational design approaches and supported by developments in computational technology as well as extensive laboratory research, Walter P Moore engineers design (or evaluate) structures to a specific level of expected performance under a variety of potential earthquake magnitudes. In this performance-based design approach, our engineers go beyond prescriptive code provisions to develop efficient seismic structural systems that are best suited to owner needs.

How We Can Help

  • Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis
  • Development of site-specific response spectra and ground motions
  • Nonlinear dynamic time history analysis
  • Consultation with local building officials