
MooreLEADERS: Changing Places at Walter P Moore

05 July 2018
Changing places 2018 news v2


Walter P Moore celebrates four of our existing team who have transitioned into new leadership roles.

Click HERE to meet the 41-year Walter P Moore veteran and wine connoisseur, find out who’s been to Disney more than 12 times, who automates his house for fun, who knows WAY too much about 90s rap music, and who is an expert in all things Jane Austen. Read all about these fine fellows and lovely ladies HERE or click on the individual names below:


Jennifer Peek. Just can’t wait to get on the road again.

Edwin Friedrichs. Public policy crusader and wine explorer.

Vicki Ford. Renaissance woman and life-long learner.

Thomas Duncan. Whoomp! There he is.



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